So er @VulpineDruid @squaremoon and @therivercrow - I did the thing.
Enjoy reading the short story/start of a story that came out of our #VampLibs chat a while ago. Hope you enjoy it!
@cthulhudeadite @squaremoon @therivercrow
Omg. I need to know what happens!
I'm invested in this now.
Tech billionaire. I wonder who that could be...
@VulpineDruid @squaremoon @therivercrow Not too on the nose was it?
Ahem - This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
@cthulhudeadite @squaremoon @therivercrow
No. I loved it! I need to know what happened to Olivia!
Oh of course of course. Complete coincidence.
@VulpineDruid Mwahahaha! I have thoughts and ideas about Olivia, don't worry! Ok so I need to keep writing, if nothing else just for you! Which I will gladly do!
And thanks @therivercrow for spotting a typo that made me sound like a boomer without meaning to!
@cthulhudeadite @therivercrow @squaremoon
Well I am honoured! Lmfao.
No pressure though. :3 greatness takes time and my middle name is patience. So...
Oh lordy. Glad that was pointed out then. Nobody wants to sound like a boomer!
This is amazing! I need to read what happens next!
You're really good at this writing thing.
@therivercrow @cthulhudeadite @squaremoon
Robin is a knowledge vampire who has drained the blood of great authors, confirmed?
@VulpineDruid @therivercrow @squaremoon
Ha! I mean I have read a lot but sorry, this is mostly just me! But in all seriousness, I do have writers that inspire me so yay for their influences!
And hey, you lot came up with the ideas, I just ran with it. No-one can write anything if they don't have a good initial prompt so this is as much yours as it is mine
@VulpineDruid @therivercrow @squaremoon *flosses teeth discretely*
@cthulhudeadite omg!!!!!
This is so good. I want to know what happens next. I wish one of us were good at making comics because it’s probably my brain, but I was reading this as pictures. You are a good writer because your words made me see the characters and surroundings. I want to know more about every single character. This is solid writing.
@squaremoon @therivercrow @VulpineDruid aaaaagh thank you! And yeah, I'd loooove to go down a graphic novel route with this. I tend to have a rubbish "inner eye" thing so I'm big on descriptions. So glad it's working for you!
@cthulhudeadite Why are you calling it rubbish? We need an author to help us visualize. That's a great skill. LOVE IT for you!
@squaremoon @therivercrow @VulpineDruid Quite right...less rubbish talk, more doing fun things. Thanks for the check